How to Handle Pet Anxiety During Firework Season in Antelope

It can be very challenging to understand a pet’s noise phobia, and it may be even harder to protect them from triggering stimuli. Some pets have obvious aversions, but for many animals, noise phobia symptoms are subtle, intermittent, or slow to progress. Pet anxiety tends to peak in the summer time as a result of thunderstorms and fireworks. In addition to special consideration for their safety needs, there are simple ways to handle pet anxiety during firework season that we’d like to share.
What to Look For
Pet anxiety looks a little different in every individual pet, but generally the following symptoms are universal:
- Hiding
- Panting
- Drooling
- Pacing
- Whining or other vocalizations
- Destructive behavior
- Escape attempts
Pet anxiety can get worse if symptoms are left alone. At the first signs of noise related stress, fear or anxiety, please call us. An examination and assessment of their behavior can help us determine the possible causes and develop a treatment plan. Pet anxiety can be managed through changes in the pet’s environment, training, or medication.
Safety First
Your pet’s safety is priority number one. Since you never really know how a pet will react to noise anxiety, we recommend setting them up in a quiet, comfortable room away from any noise. Without this safety measure, it’s possible that a pet will try to escape and flee the noise. This can lead to permanent loss or separation, vehicular accident, or potential injury. As a friendly reminder, please be sure your pet is microchipped and wearing an ID on their collar.
Their “safe place” should be dimly lit, equipped with white noise, soft music, soft bedding, treats, and plenty of water. If you can, try to stay with them. If you aren’t home during fireworks or a thunderstorm, be sure that your pet stays safely indoors, and ask a neighbor to check on them.
Calming Techniques for Pets
While you and your pet wait out the noise, give them praise, treats, and reassurances. It is possible that they will begin to accept the noise and trust that it is temporary.
When a pet shows increased agitation or continued fear of a noise, it’s worthwhile to have them examined. Once certain medical conditions are ruled out we can begin to treat pet anxiety.
Pheromone products are effective at reducing feelings of anxiety, especially when used with a compression body wrap, like the Thundershirt.
Pet Safety During Fireworks
A great way to offset pet anxiety is to make sure your pet has enjoyed adequate levels of exercise prior to a fireworks show or forecasted storm.
If your pet would benefit from a little extra support, we can discuss prescription medication to treat ongoing symptoms.
Please call us at (916) 349-2755 with any questions or concerns about your pet’s behavior. Our team is always here to help you at Cherry Creek Veterinary Hospital.