Common Pet Dental Procedures

All pets need dental care, and Cherry Creek Veterinary Hospital is able to help you provide many of the dentistry services that they might need. Pet dental procedures are part of the foundation of preventive care, and it’s important for pet owners to understand what their best friend needs.
What’s in a Dental Cleaning?
We are all familiar with the dental cleanings that we get as humans at our dentist office twice a year. The hygienist examines, radiographs, and carefully cleans all of our teeth and the dentist completes the exam and any work that is deemed necessary.
Dental care in animals is important, too! Our veterinary staff recommends that all dogs and cats receive regular oral exams and cleanings. Our pets need to be placed under anesthesia in order to examine and clean thoroughly and safely, but other than that the goals are pretty similar.
Pets undergoing a dental cleaning:
- Have a detailed examination performed of each tooth and the oral cavity
- Receive full mouth radiographs
- Have their teeth scaled of plaque and tartar, including below the gumline
- Have their teeth polished to remove any microscopic grooves
- Receive a fluoride treatment
We will also make recommendations for any additional pet dental surgery or recommended procedures at that time of the cleaning.
Common Pet Dental Procedures
We perform dental cleanings and oral examinations as a part of routine proactive wellness care for your pet. Fresh breath and a non-painful mouth should be a goal for all of our furry friends!
There are several reasons for dental procedures beyond cleanings that may cause us to recommend additional care. Findings that might elicit further recommendations include:
- Broken or cracked teeth
- Gingival or oral inflammation
- Loose teeth
- Recession of gums
- Bone loss
- Impacted teeth
- Retained deciduous (baby) teeth
- Nonviable teeth
- Severe infection
- Diseases of the periodontal ligament
- Caries
- Resorptive lesions
Often we don’t know that these problems exist until we are able to do an anesthetized oral examination, which makes routine visits to the doggy or kitty dental suite a must!
Common pet dental procedures include things like root planing, surgical extractions, and even root canals.
Your pet deserves to have a healthy mouth. In fact, we know that those with good dental care during their lifetime tend to live longer. Contact us today with any questions you might have about your pet’s dental care. It’s important!